Here is the news:
There are probably quite a few people planning on doing aspects of Gettysburg for the 150th anniversary and DKBD is no exception, accept, we're planning on doing the entire battle in 6mm in a convention games day as semi participation.
The backbone of the game is loosely based on Richard Borgs "Battlecry" with the card system being replaced by a faster card system designed by us. The rules have been amended as well to help the game flow a little faster.
The Union will have 45 infantry units with the Confederates fielding 39. Artillery has yet to be decided.
So far I have 7 more infantry units of Union to paint and base and 7 Rebs. The town itself is pretty much completed but I might add more detail. Terrain is Kallistra with buildings by Total Battle Miniatures and Timecast. The Timecast are proving to be a little bit of a problem as they are just too good. TBM are beautifully made and have that lived in look which feels right.
The highlight of the table will be the Lutheran Seminary which is a superb model made to order by TBM. It's so good they put it into production. I'm so proud to own it that it'll be in a display case as soon as I can have one made.
As soon as we have some good weather and I've finished the remaining units we'll have the first full dress rehearsal. I have been using this year’s convention season as a test, the club toured with Wilsons Creek (pictures in the 6mm ACW gallery). Seems to have gone down well with the public but it is dressed down compared to the final product we're working on.
Oh well... Back to flocking infantry units.